DISCLAIMER: Long post ahead hence it's best you read the entire post before commenting, thanks!
You're allowed to whinge for a day or two but certainly not for decades. Only foolish people keep complaining for eternity and bore other people to death (hey that's an easy way to die - if you wanna die, go listen to a whinger!). Some people seem to repeat the same complaint and it feels like it's not going to stop before my next birthday *rolling eyes*. I'm not saying that I don't whinge...trust me I do too - big time. But luckily my brain has a section of code that goes like this:
If whinging_spree.days > 2
While (whinging_spree.days <> 2)
GetOutBeforeTurningIntoIdiot(N NearlyIdiot)
NearlyIdiot.Kill( )
Some people might understand this bit of code (if you're a techo). For Those who don't, it basically means whinging is hazarduous to self, so whinge a little if you must and then shutup and save yourself and others from your blockbuster whingy germs.
No one on this Earth is stress-free. No one has a perfect life. No one is free of something to complain about. No one is short of something in their lives. So if you have something to whine about, do it in a civil manner (a day or 2 that is), then get over it and do something to resolve the situation. If it's something that's hard to be resolved, then tough luck sista/bro, just DEAL WITH IT (btw I'm speaking with mega experience here). Sorry to sound like an annoying Bitch of a crystal-ball, but in life there are some things that we ALL can't have...things that we have to live with. This may sound cliche but it's something we really need to seriously think about. Now if you think you don't earn enough money then think about people who depend on Red Cross for their daily needs. If you whinge about not owning a house yet, then think about the homeless. If you're complaining about not having someone to call you beautiful every single day, that means you are better off than a blind person who don't even know what they themselves look like, right? If you're complaining about putting 100% into something that didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, then you're much better off than people who don't even have the means of putting 50% to make their dreams come true right? If you reckon you are doomed for not making it to the concert
of your fav band cos you had the flu, then you're much better off than my 22yr old cousin brother who can't hear or speak..he's permanently deaf. If you think you lost your life cos you broke up with your GF/BF, well there are some people who live every single day dealing with the death of a loved-one. If you think your body is not perfect enough and you have to stop eating for years to look like a skeleton-in-need-of-a-steak-feast, still you're better off cos there are people out there who die from starvation. If you feel lonely cos you're single, think about some people who are stuck in unhappy marriages. If you're sad that you don't have your own children yet, think about the great many number of orphaned kids out there. Lastly, if you think your life's plans didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, then please remember that in life everything don't happen the way we plan...cos sometimes life has it's own plans for us.
You are privileged than alot of people out there who suffer daily in ways and measures that we can't even fathom. If you can open your eyes and see the world every morning, if you can hear the sweet music played on the radio, if you can touch your father's hands and smile, if you can walk to the park, if you can go to the bathroom unassisted, if you know what the Internet is, if you have food on your table, if you have enough money so that you don't have to borrow to buy your fav CD, if you went to school/uni, if you have clothes and shoes, if you have a window to look out from, if you have a door to walk through and call your home, if you have friends saying Hi to you, if you have time to sit and whinge for days, then you are quite better off compared to millions out there who don't even have the basic needs in life. But most of them seem to have one thing that these whingers don't have...the above piece of code in their brains. Strange but true! Cos they don't whinge for yonks...they just get on with it...they are not too crazy about what they can get out of life, instead they give to life.
It's one thing to share your pain with others (we all do that and it's therapeutic for us) but it's altogether another thing to keep complaining about small things for a long time. Eternal Gripe divas make me wanna shake them violently! It's very selfish and greedy to keep groaning and moaning for a long time when there's really nothing 'serious' to complain about. Why do people always WANT what others have...why cant we just be happy with what we already have. If you have a working body and a brain, a family to spend Christmas with, a roof over your head rented or owned, food on your plate and a medium like blogs/friends to vent out your feelings, then stop pressing my Puke button, stop being slaves to society and just get on with life, and with what you already have.
And the Flying Kissee of the day is....
a very dear friend who's very close to my heart and is an apt choice for the topic of this post too...and he is none other than Jeevan! Jeevan has been a wonderful friend for a very long time in Blogville and has captured my attention and my heart for the very kind-spirited and brave soul that he is. He has never been mean to anyone, never said anything to hurt a single soul and has always been a gentleman in his thoughts, words and deeds. He sets a great example to me cos you know how cranky, shallow and needy I can get sometimes hehe. Jeevan comes all the way from India, speaks Tamil and his blog represents his rich culture along with his beautiful, free and expressive heart. There is also another very special thing about Jeevan and that is that he suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, which is an illness that makes a person lose muscle strength which affects his independent mobility. Though Jeevan suffers from it, he doesn't see it as a life-sentence. He just gets on with life and deals with it very maturely. To go through something like that at a age so young...I don't think it's easy. But Jeevan shows us all how wonderful life can be if we all try to put aside the difficulties that we have been dealt with, and just concentrate on living one day at a time. To me that is a very BIG personality. And I honor and respect Jeevan for who he is, for how he copes with his demons and for how he shines brightly in the darkest pits of his tough experiences. He is a star and a great inspiration to all of us. MWACKKZ Jeevan! Dija feel it? ;-). This song is dedicated especially to your genuine and free spirit...Jeevan means LIFE in Sanskrit, so this fav Tamil song of mine fits you perfectly. Uyire means life...enjoy!
Current Music: Uyire Uyire from the Tamil movie Bombay
129 Cranium Signets:
What can I say Keshi... You are a genius!!! Beautiful post once again!!!
XOXOXO to you and your friend Jeevan!!
Perhaps this could be summed up by saying "just be thankful for what you've got".
The problem is most people live their lives desperately wanting things they can't have, or can't afford ( financially or emotionally ).
As I have said before, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your lot in life... it's a very basic human instinct. But when you become consumed or obsessed by what's missing, it's conterproductive. You can be focused and creative in pursuing what you want, or you can be fanatical and destructive. Guess which approach most people find easier?
I have a lot of time for people who get on with life, who don't make excuses or blame other people for not living up to some arbitrary expectation.
There's nothing wrong with venting and sharing a problem - people can help - but at some stage you have to take control. People will help you if you are prepared to help yourself. My 2 cents. :)
Hi Keshi!
I came here only for a moment to look what Keshi writes about today, before Easter. And I thought, that I'll be read your post tomorrow.
But when I saw my wonderful friend Jeevan, I changed my decision.
Keshi, thanks so much! Jeevan deserves for all your words about him.
He is my hero!
I'll be back in the morning.
Have a great day!
Keshi, you dedicated a beautiful song for Jeevan.
I found the translation, but
sorry, if it is not correct:
My Love, come and be with me
My love, let me be with you
Memories, stay within my heart
Moon, stay within this sky
If there is love, let your gaze meet mine
If time doesn't permit, let me become one with the earth
I'll be waiting for you to come down that path, holding on to my life..
If the girl doesn't come, I'll set myself on fire on top of the hill..
Even if I lose my life, girl,that's why I sang,
In the near future, the blame will be put on you, that why I came,
Firstly now, the decision has been put in your hands...
My love, I have let myself become one with you,
The relationship has made me step out of my house (doorway)..
I filled up my memories with your heart,
The dreams have been melted with your eyes..
I glanced once at the girl I gave my life to, will she stand me up?
If one eye get hurt, will the other eye also close?
I crossed the black rocks like the tree roots to come see your face,
I crossed barriers like the wind to come here to hear your voice,
Even tears are sweet now..
Like my heart, I lost myself in you..
Like the rain, I came and dropped to the ground,
My love, my love, now I am one with you
memories are one with your heart.
yeah thats the way u need to look at when things when they arent going ur way and this is essentailly the quality of being a human.
lol keshi, i understood that code having dabbled a bit in HTML(dunno if that was HTML, tho)!
what you've written, i started telling that to myself a couple of years back i was such a drama queen. i agree with every word...
btw, its Holi today! So, i wish you A Very Happy Holi! :D blogger doesn't allow us colours in the comment section, otherwise I'd have coloured ya VIBGYOR!
Nice song, btw.
sometimes its almost as if ppl are more concerned w/ bitching than doing anything about it :(
very inspiring Jeevan :) May the force be with you
I'm jealous of people like Jeevan. He has what most of us don't - hope and confidence. Hats off!
And you darn right Keshi-girl! Whiners are such a pain in the ass!
Or should I modify that to CONSTANT whiners are a pain in the ass?
Because its ok to while a little (just a teensy weensie bit). but you can't afford to let it become your personality.
Sadly, its become somewhat of a national time-pass lately.
Pah! Whine! Grumble!
Heh heh heh ;)
Hi lovely post as usual..most of us grumble away to glory when life is giving us so many beautiful things to enjoy..
Jeevan,hats off to him in facing lifes challenges with a smile and good friends like you reinforcing the faith and friendship in him..
uyire song is wonderfully haunting one ,which i am sure is enjoyed by everyone
how can u write like this kesh... envy you all the time
great post there girl....first of all d code was really funny...n also ur advice thr means a lot to me right nw!!
a lot of my plans hav been thwarted...may b coz of me n also a lil bad luck! but yes, i needed those words right nw!!
thanks a tonn babe!
There are so many things that can be said .. and just so many that mean something .. nice post ..
seems ill havta be a little more regular here afterall..
How I agree with ya Keshi .... the fact that irritates me abt whining is that we ALL know life is imperfect .... I havent come across a single person so optimistic in life that he believes life to be perfect ... neither have I come across anyone who does not whine ...
But I have met wonderful people like u who know when to say enough is enough ... and it is not an art ... it has got nothing to do with people around (and this I know becoz I live alone and I have been living all alone for the past 4 years) ....
We all whine .... the difference is few question themselves from time to time wht they are doing .... analyse it ... either deal with them or shrug off and continue with life ... AFTER ALL U HAVE TO LIVE AND LIFE GOES ON ...
I might sound here rude but people who do it constantly are not someone with whom I want to be associated at all .... in whatever capacity ... wht they need is sympathy which unfortunately I dont have ... WHT THEY NEED IS COUNSELING WHICH THEY WILL NEVER TAKE ...
Thanks Keshi for this post and I hope few people are reading this today
ps: lol my comment seems to be longer thn ur post :)
I know a few people that fall into the whining category. It gets very old and you get to the point where you just start tuning it out. When one of these people is a spouse it becomes deadly to the marriage.
Can you speak Tamil then..?? I went to Chennai once... Tamil is THEE most foreign language I think I've ever heard in the entire world... so unlike the northern Indian "indoeuropean" tongues that have a somehow familiar intonation plus e.g. the number three was something like "dri" or "tri" in Hindi whereas in Tamil NOTHING like it... I was so glad I went there a kind of lifelong mysterious thali-munching ambition accomplished... plus the street takeaways best and cheapest ANYWHERE!! Hey the tarot or something guy is on 2gb it is 12:53pm here probably just before midnight your end hey have a happy one I'm not choclating this year had massive cravings 4am but bought cigs instead hahar!!
ps re whingeing us poms SURELY know how ta do it best
thats a beautiful post hun...really!! :)
and yes nobody loves a all-time-whiner...and it harms the person whining the most!!(though nobody ever realises that when they are drowning in self-pity)
very honstly and beautifully written...u deserve a flying kiss (all the way from india)...mwaaaah!! :D
heh, heh, ; )
2 days...yep, i agree : )
A few years ago...
my husband and i had a similar conversation-
if for some reason we separated, divorced, etc...yes, i would cry, BUT i would only allow myself to wallow in misery (cry) for 2/TWO days ONLY!! LIFE goes on!! Yes, I can live without my husband!! Hey, I had a life before I met him...and I also didn't have any depts! I was doing well : )
Well, needles to say, he wasn't too thrilled with my answer. He was actaully "hurt"...
*i'll be on vacation : )
Hugs & Blessings
Each & every word was an eye-opener.. ur absolutely right.. we love to be engrossed in our problems and endlessly crib about them without realising how trivial they actually are.. and as u pointed out, if there are certain genuine problems, we gotto accept them & fight it out with an optimistic attitude.. life is too short to crib.. i wish i could nail it in this silly head of mine.. but next time when m on my whinging trip, i'll remember ur code.. :)
I salute your friend Jeevan.. his fighting spirit & attitude is inspirational. I'll pray for his good health..
Cheers keshi!!
Have a good weekend!!
a stimulating post ... and u hit the bulls-eye in 2nd last para ... the courage, endurance & benevolence of most of these ‘less blessed people’ can outshine majority of the lucky-but-still-whinging clan ... in fact they would also make most of us feel spineless, insignificant & self-pitiable ...
btw i simply loved this term "blockbuster whingy germs" ... this one is surely getting added to my lingo ... hope I wont be any facing IPR issues or plagiarism charges :-)
I agree with each and every line of this wonderful post!There is so much to life and so much to be thankful for than whine away all the time.
Kudos to Jeevan for bearing it all in good spirit.God Bless him and you too dear!
Hugsssss :)
Beautiful post, keshi!
Open your eyes, there might be something worth seeing.. we are so used to complain about what we dont have that we forget to open the eyes and see what we do have. And most of all we do have LIFE which is beautiful enough to be happy about. We have our problems, thats true, but compared to real problems people might have it sounds at least weird to see someone crying over and over about getting bad marks, missing the concert or having poor net connection.. because some people dont know what school is, never listened to any band.. and hardly know what computer looks like.
But unfortunately people dont want to change, they will always want what they dont have.. materialistic world, new "values"..
This was such a true heartfelt post dear girl !
My fiance just lost an amazing job oppurtunity coz his present company couldnt give him an experience letter in time the time frame they'd asked for...and he has been so low since then.
And all along this is what I have been saying to him...
Life will follow its own course..no matter what. Even God cant help it, nor can he change it !!
So there's no reason crying over it, and spoiling away the precious today that we have gotten...
I read out your post to him today, and the smile he had on his lips after this, makes me wanna maila smooch to you...
Love you !!
And Jeevan is indeed an enduring spirit !
Its rare to find people who actually look over their sufferings and try to live life to the fullest.
And when we meet spirits like that, bowing down to their soaring soul is the only that need be done.
Cheers to him !!
Be grateful for what is before us. There is always someone who has it tougher.
Thanks for the reminder.
But whining and wallowing in self-pity is just so much fun.
Wait .. no it isn't. ;-)
Oh Keshi thank you so much for showing me the error of my ways.
I'm changing my blog's name to The Happy Guide and I'm going to start writing about all the good things in the world.
I'm so sick of all my whining...
Hey Keshi..sorry!
Have very limited access to the net due to you know what...
So will be back soon..!
A good and sensible one this time Keshi ji, will agree to everything you said here and LOL for the code.... Man ! You should join UN, who knows you'll replace Angelina Jolie someday :P
I am wordless. I stopped in silence where I am smiling here larger; that I have took a place in keshi’s heart that too closer :) it was more encouraging and you words decorates my life. If there wasn’t blogging in this world, whether I would have grown this much mentally is doubtful. These two and a half years with you in blogging is very special to me and it is not praise, but true, yours sharing in blog influences in many ways in my life. Thanks so much dear friend, happy to be your buddy and being mate to a lovely girl who cares for friendship and love. Cheers!
If we know what is happening is true and never going to change unless a change is there, It’s like making foolish our life and to lie on our life when we are existing complaining non stop. Even though some are matured to handle problems, sufferings, sometimes the depressions and stress send them to come out of complaining.
"that means you are better off than a blind person who don't even know what they themselves look like, right?" Very right keshi! They make me wonder often to show a life in darkness, but I feel to tell we are sharing those visions, so taking care there life is our duty.
"If you're sad that you don't have your own children yet, think about the great many number of orphaned kids out there." I wish every mind make possible to look at those children, when we look back our parents for us and feeling us at there place we could realize how important the parents for them.
I look over there some lines are like taken from my life! The Hariharan’s voice bliss that song behind the drizzle backdrop. Loved this Uyirea with warming keshi kiss;) Thanks dear.
Krystyna – Thanks so much for taking me as your hero dear :)I must be blessed to have such beautiful heats as friend here to Carrie me along with them! Even the words are not put to replace the tamil words, by to read its flow is beautiful. Thanks krish, hope you have a pleasant Easter festival and take care.
ALok, Awati Sethi,Sameera and Cinderella, Thank you so much for those kindly as well as encouraging words about me. I wish you all everything success and best :)
If you're complaining about not having someone to call you beautiful every single day, that means you are better off than a blind person who don't even know what they themselves look like, right?
I completely agree with this... But oopss... that reminds me not to force someone to say.. "curryegg, you're beautiful"..
You echo the good Doctor (seuss that is).
If you can't link to it from there, it's "Did I ever tell you how lucky you are?"
well keshi girl, i've never read all your posts. i was reading your blog for the past couple of months only but covered a majority of the posts. but this one is simply the best. i was so moved by your post that i started recollecting all the recent events which i whined about and found most of them to be so unnecessary.
your concept of "And the Flying Kissee of the day is...." is a very novel one. i wish jeevan a great life ahead of him and i hope he never loses his courage.
jeevan, we are all with you.
Just DEAL with it. could find a better advice/ instruction for people nowadays. damn i even know whole countries who could use this advice.
there are so much more to come, long days ahead and we still want to find the tiniest problems in our lives, others to make is big and then ultimately destroy the confidence they have or we have.
You said well, the world is full of less fortunate, they wont cant seem to make things happen, but they are happy because they are trying to make it happen. the solution is there, people jst need to capture it, use it, spread it.
We have Jeevan in all of us. My brother, he makes not to quit what I am doing. We all should be inspired by his ambitions and desire to do what he wants to do and how beautifully he sees the world.
About "The End", watch out for April! A new beginning! 4 me as well as 4 my blog... :D Someones got a gr8 makeover of life!
Everybody has his/her own complaint in life, that's very normal. But for a person to keep on whining unnecessarily is no longer normal. He/she becomes a veritable cry baby who must always be consoled by someone. Thanks for the interesting post. God bless.
Excellent points, Keshi!
Life can be so much simpler if people would be thankful for what they've got, as General boy said.
I like to sing from the morning. It make my good mood.
What is your favorite song to sing in the morning shower?
I wish you much peace and love!
You're an amazing woman Keshi. x
Kudos to Jeevan - great going bud
and Keshi - now wasnt the length of the post a whine about not whining...LOL
great thoughts - agree with you - we all look for the greener patches of grass on the other side - instead of cultivating our own barren fields.
ppl whine and complain only when they don't suffer from any actual pain....pain is the only thing which shows us we are alive...sans pain,we all go into our own dream lands...
Lovely post Keshi.You are so very right in hat you said that i am convinced about my theory of losing a parent making people totally change their outlook on life, making them focu on positives.
It was really nice to read baout Jeevan too.
one of the best posts - i had ever read ( of all your posts )
Great !!!
one question - How much time do you take a write a post ?
Just curious - approximately how much time do you take ?
It's true keshi about thw whinging about things that arn't always the most important thing, coz people elsewhere are suffering with real hardship. I know of a family of young children who recently lost their mother and it makes me think twice about being ungrateful towards mine.
I am back!!!!!!
This is so true. I keep learning these valuable lessons every single day when I interact with my clients. Some of their lives are so horrible, that I wonder if my complaints about my roommate are even worth giving a second thought.
I also do not believe in the statement, "People make their own destiny". I do think that at some point our decisions and actions will influence our paths in life. However, there are certain things that we have no control over..such as suffering from an ailment that appears out of nowhere.
People often say that when you want to feel better, look at the people who are suffering more than you. But I think that everyone's pain is distressing to them because they cannot really FEEL the pain of the other person who may be suffering more than them. Hence the whines!!
I know of many people who whine their guts out..especially because I am a psychologist. And as much as I try to be patient with them, I cannot!!!
Great post!
o sweet Carolingal I aint a genius..just a girl with alot of experiences in life and they r speaking now :)
ty Boy!
**there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your lot in life... it's a very basic human instinct.
yes I agree. Wanting is a basic human instinct. But Wanting more than you really need and more than u can really afford becomes a suffering.
I hv alot of ppl in my life who 'whine' on a daily basis abt things that they dun even need..they continue to suffer longing for them. Thats where this post came from :)
** People will help you if you are prepared to help yourself
spot on! In the end, only YOU can help urself.
Krys tnxx hun!
I was stunned at how u got that meaning of the song so accurate??!! WOW well-done! Where did u get it from? Its perfect!
Yes Jeevan has taught me how to be satisfied with what I already have. This Blogworld has taught me MANY lessons...I look at ppl's lives here and I see my problems as VERY MINOR. This Blogworld has opened new doors to me...it has exposed so many different lives to me that Im so much more RICHER for being here.
Hence my Flying Kissee posts and I always feel blessed to be with all of you. SERIOUSLY.
true Badshah...when things arent going our way, we always need to look at ppl who hv worse things to deal with in life.
There's always someone worse off than you are.
lol Trinnie Im glad u got that code :) It isnt HTML tho..it's KOBOL with K for Keshi :):)
**i started telling that to myself a couple of years back i was such a drama queen
hehehe sweet. I was, am and will always be a Drama Queen LOL! But I hv learnt to be less hyper now..Im alot less 'perfect' now. I hv loosened up.
HAPPY HOLI to ya hun and MWAH!
ty Rohit and heyy WC :)
heyy LaVida tnxx darl!
**sometimes its almost as if ppl are more concerned w/ bitching than doing anything about it
yes but its ok to bitch sometimes. we r all human and we r born to whinge LOL! But when that Bithcing goes past a civil number of days, it becomes a headache and a nuisance.
yes Macadamia...some ppl let it become their personality. thats when it becomes a drag. Well-said!
*HUGZ* ur beautiful!
totally agree, but mostly, it's a case of the grass is greener on the other side, hence the whining and grouses.
On a happier note, Kimi R won at Sepang!!! I know he did really really horribly badly in Australia, but he was totally brilliant yesterday, and so was Kubica!!
hey CU tnxx mate!
**most of us grumble away to glory when life is giving us so many beautiful things to enjoy..
yep...all they've got to do is just stop on their whiney tracks for a sec and LOOK around.
Jeevan is a shining star. And he shines on us.
Uyire is one of my FAV songs ever. I listen to it and shed tears of pure joy...the voices and the words r so romantic it just takes me away from this mundane world into a beautiful magical experience. Sometimes a song is enough to make my life beautiful.
btw I saw Hariharan perform this song LIVE in Sydney 2yrs ago :)
Chriz this is normal stuff that anyone can write abt :) Nothing 'amazing' abt my posts hehe.
ty Gunj HUGS!
**a lot of my plans hav been thwarted
tell me abt it hun I had to throw away a whole set of life plans cos of something that happened few years ago. Since then I live just one day at a time..and I can say I hv never been this relaxed in my life b4...never really LIVED life like this b4.
*HUGZ* and all the best to ya sweetz!
hey r3d3 tnxx mate! :)
aww ty Alok!
yes...it has to. And LIFE never ends until we die. We may lose everything but LIFE goes on w.o. a care. How beautiful ha. :)
ty so much for appreciating Jeevan....he's a TRUE inspiration to so many of us here!
hey Wisdom hows ya hun?
** When one of these people is a spouse it becomes deadly to the marriage
LOL awww...
heyyy Gledz tnxx!
**Can you speak Tamil then
yes :) My dad is a Sinhalese. My mum is a Tamil. Sinhalese is more Sanskrit (so more like Hindi but not exactly). Tamil is different altho some words r similar to Sinhalese and Hindi. They r all languages that originated in India so they do hv few similar words..only the accents are different when using those words.
My first language is Sinhalese and Im very fluent in it...but I can speak, read and write Tamil too cos I was taught Tamil just once when I was abt 10yrs old :) I picked it up straight away..yeah I was quite a nerd LOL!
Easter has left me fat - I ate so many Easter eggs mate BAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAA :*(
hahaha @Poms being whingers!
Gledz u said it the best ;-)
aww MWAHHHHHH Pri tnxx hun!
hey Coco tnxx hun!
I never thought I'd be able to live w.o. my dad...but I did. LIFE somehow has a way of healing...we've just got to hv hope and strength to move on.
**he wasn't too thrilled with my answer. He was actaully "hurt"...
hey Swati thats right.
**life is too short to crib
exactly! I say this to my sis all the time :)
ty for appreciating Jeevan..he's such an inspiring friend in my life.
heyya Hiren :)
**the courage, endurance & benevolence of most of these ‘less blessed people’ can outshine majority of the lucky-but-still-whinging clan
so true. I guess we get thoe qualities when we really face something painful in life. Its like these qualities r deep inside of us that only get awakened when the need arises...
And yes Hiren u can take add that term into ur lingo - no Keshi CopyRights on it :):)
aww tnxx Sameera HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
And yes Jeevan is a sweetheart with alot to GIVE.
hey Lena beautiful!
**Open your eyes, there might be something worth seeing..
what a BEAUTIFUL line! How true too. Open ur eyes cos then only u'll really see and there might really be something worth SEEING.
**because some people dont know what school is, never listened to any band.. and hardly know what computer looks like.
Exactly wut Im trying to get across. yday I was watching a documentary on TV, abt kids in Uganda...they were smiling and singing...they were wearing rags and had only rice-soup for the whole day. But they were SO HAPPY. I cried.
**But unfortunately people dont want to change, they will always want what they dont have.. materialistic world, new "values"..
yes..we hv gone too far to REALISE what we already HAVE. Sadly.
ty for that eye-opening comment Lena MWAH!
aww Cinderella Im sorry to hear abt ur fiance's lost job opp. Im sure he feels really upset abt it...its hard not to.
**Life will follow its own course..no matter what. Even God cant help it, nor can he change it
How true. Life will somehow go on and take shape again.
Im glad u are there for him...he's really LUCKY to hv u in his life!
And Cinderella ty so much for those kind and true words abt Jeevan.
**Its rare to find people who actually look over their sufferings and try to live life to the fullest.
Thats so true...such ppl r RARE. Cos most ppl whine for yonks when they r dealing with a blow. Its so very hard and very courageous to go past ur blows and keep walking. And thats what Jeevan is doing...thats why I admire him alot.
hey Nadine tnxx hun!
**There is always someone who has it tougher.
Spot on!
hehehe Jay :)
hey Fingers!
**I'm changing my blog's name to The Happy Guide and I'm going to start writing about all the good things in the world
LOL u dun whine, atleast not as much as I do :)
aww Solitaire dun be SORRY. I was only wondering where u were :)
*HUGZ* n tnxx!
heyyy GC tnxx!
**You should join UN, who knows you'll replace Angelina Jolie someday
nah I aint as rich as Jolie to provide for the poor. :)
heyyyyyyyy Jeevan I was waiting for ya to arrive! thank God ur finally here hehe.
**I stopped in silence where I am smiling here larger
I can almost picture that smile of ur's...so beautiful and genuine :)
**I have took a place in keshi’s heart that too closer
ofcourse u hv. U hv been an OLD n GOLD friend in Blogville. That will always remain so.
** If there wasn’t blogging in this world, whether I would have grown this much mentally is doubtful
same for me Jeevan. If not for the Blogworld, I think I'd very different.
**and it is not praise, but true, yours sharing in blog influences in many ways in my life
same here...this aint PRAISE. Is true apprectiation and heartfelt feelings abt each other.
yes...life is too short to concentrate on the blows we hv been dealt with. Cry a lil if we must, then we just hv to move on. for tomorrow never comes.
**The Hariharan’s voice bliss that song behind the drizzle backdrop
yes its beautiful isnt it! I saw him perform this song LIVE in Sydney abt 2yrs ago. I get goosebumps when I listen to this song. Im glad u like it too.
*HUGZ* its a pleasure to hv u in my life Jeevan!
yes and Krys found the prefect meaning to the lyrics too...Kudos to her!
aww Jeevan many ppl look upto ya now...cos u hv a beautiful soul..a brave and kind spirit.
hey Curry tnxx hun!
**that reminds me not to force someone to say.. "curryegg, you're beautiful"..
awww hehehe...
heyy Bumble tnxx! :)
**Did I ever tell you how lucky you are?"
awww...thats exactly wut this post is echoeing hehe. ur right.
aww ty Satish!
**i was so moved by your post that i started recollecting all the recent events which i whined about and found most of them to be so unnecessary.
how nice ot hear that. If atleast one of my posts does that to someone, then I hv achieved SOMETHING being here in Blogville. That makes me happy :)
**your concept of "And the Flying Kissee of the day is...." is a very novel one
I hv been blogging for abt 4yrs now and it dawned on me that I hv to start appreciating ppl ard me in a way that reaches out to them. There r some VERY SPECIAL ppl in this world that really need to know how I feel..if Im not here tmrw, I'd be glad that they know how I feel abt em and how they influenced my life.
ty Satish!
hey Ghotsy tnxx!
**damn i even know whole countries who could use this advice
hehe how true ha.
**make it happen
yes and thats the beauty of life..struggling thru it all yet smiling and enjoying every single day.
Jeevan is someone who stays in my heart every single day. Sometimes I wonder what Jeevan must be doing now...what he must be watching on TV...is he happy..is he sad...is he blogging etc etc. yes I think abt Jeevan and alot of u all the time.
Iceman Im glad ur not going away. I thought u were going to stop Blogging :(
You're some kind of great chick ... you're right, we are whiners and I'll tell you why. Because we are a totally spoiled group of people and we have all been spoiled for the past 50 years. We want, we get. As children we cry and we are given a gift to shut us up. Want a new iPod? No problem. A new computer? You don't have to wait very long. $200 sneakers? Mom will buy them. We don't get our way we whine or worse, kill somebody.
It's funny that you post this because I read a very similar post on another blog today. I'll repeat here what I said there.
When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, 40 years ago, my doctor gave me some pretty sound advice for dealing with the mental lows that would overpower me at times. He said to look at my disease this way ... I used to feel sorry for myself because I had nn shoes, until I met somebody who had no feet
very true Mel. tnxx n God bless ya!
tnxx Krys and well-said!
** like to sing from the morning. It make my good mood.
OMG me too LOL! The first thing I do when I wake up is go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. As soon as I brush, a voice suddenly comes out from nowhere singing a song..lol it's my voice! every single morning this routine happens...ask my mum. I cant start a day w.o. singing. Its so strange that it happens even w.o. my knowledge every single morning!
**What is your favorite song to sing in the morning shower?
Something HOT..lol Im such a diva in the shower. Im a total rock star when having a bath. :):)
tnxx hun MWAH u make me smile!
cmon Nora u too hun MWAH!
hey Ceedy :)
**now wasnt the length of the post a whine about not whining
LOL ok u can say that.
**we all look for the greener patches of grass on the other side
yes and the truth is, the grass isnt greener on the other side. It just seems like it..thats all. Cos everyone misses something in their lives.
hey Vish tnxx mate!
**pain is the only thing which shows us we are alive
so true! Its like, its PAIN that brings TRUTH to one's life.
hey PS tnxx sweetz!
**that i am convinced about my theory of losing a parent making people totally change their outlook on life, making them focu on positives.
yes THAT really happens. Its when u LOSE in life that u truly GAIN. Gaining a better outlook I mean.
hey JM tnxx!
**Just curious - approximately how much time do you take ?
to write: Abt 20mins
to find pics: abt 10mins
to choose music: 5mins
total: abt 35mins
hey Niyara tnxx!
**I know of a family of young children who recently lost their mother and it makes me think twice about being ungrateful towards mine.
aww thats so sad...
heyy Solitaire lovely to hv ya bak! I missed ur WISDOM in my blog.
** However, there are certain things that we have no control over..such as suffering from an ailment that appears out of nowhere.
I so agree with this! Just as much as we make our lives, I feel that oour lives hv some plans for us too.
**But I think that everyone's pain is distressing to them because they cannot really FEEL the pain of the other person who may be suffering more than them.
true. No one's personal suffering can be compared. Ant it's ok to whine..we all do. Hell I do too :) But when that whining lasts forever, it becomes a suffering.
**And as much as I try to be patient with them, I cannot
LOL Solitaire! But Im sure u hv learnt alot from dealing with such ppl too. Good on ya!
heyy Saffy :)
**but mostly, it's a case of the grass is greener on the other side, hence the whining and grouses.
yes but the truth is, the Grass isnt Greener on the other side. It just seems like it. But everyone misses something in their lives.
Congratts then n o happy times! :)
hey George HUGS n tnxx!
**We want, we get. As children we cry and we are given a gift to shut us up. Want a new iPod? No problem.
OMG this is sooo true! I see this happening every single day with my nieces n nephews too. Its like they ask and they just get. It's so WRONG. When we were kids, we never got what we WANTED...only what we NEEDED. Occasionally we got a pressie or too. But not the way the kids get these days. Its so unhealthy.
Thats so encouraging..ur expereince with Diabetes had made u appreciate life alot more than u wud o.w. Isnt that great!
i admit my mistake of jumping the gun, the song is for a very beautiful person, inside-outside.
I am Sorry keshi!!!
and talkin abt the gentleman first... he truly deserves accolades, coz most dont have the wits and guts to fight!!!
and can we change the code Nearlyidiot.kill()
GetOutBeforeTurningIntoIdiot(N NearlyIdiot)
NearlyIdiot.flushall( )
if (error)
GetOutBeforeTurningIntoIdiot(N NearlyIdiot);
System.out("Congrats!!! ");
when you say we crib, when even we have so much, abt little things, and not thinking abt others, very true keshi, guess, we r moving on, from being humane...
//they are not too crazy about what they can get out of life, instead they give to life.//
i guess, coz they love us, all of us, and love is abt giving... all of wat u have :)
There are many in this world, who even when are alright, dont get enough food to eat, water to drink, and even the basic amenities of life, some ppl call it their fate, i call it our disability to provide them all of this.
Guess, if all of us, take some time out, out of our busy schedule, to teach in some school, not to eat at some tachy joint some day, and by feeding others for the same, just one day... then i guess this world will be a better place to live in.
Cheers Keshi...
cheers for thinking all this and writing above all...
thankya :)
More of an ambassador and spokesperson, giving voice is equally important to giving money :P
theres a mallu saying that goes like, look not above you and wish for what u dont hve , rather look below u and be thankful for wht u hve...
liked wht u wrote and also like the fact tht u chose to adopt a stern approach to it...whiners do need to be shaked out of it :)
A very good post Keshi. You said it really well.;)
And yes what an incredible person Jeeva is. to have hold on and embrace life with such postiveness. KUDOS!:D
hey....howdy...nice post...well trust me i ve knwn so many whiners...n its very irritating at times to hear the same story again n again for weeks...
now i just tell those who whine..."why whine...face the situation..wht has happened has happened..u cant reverse that...so try to make the best out of it for urself"...
btw updated my blog :)..n chk ur mail too
And what of Love Keshi seeks?
Haven't found it, can't see it don't want it, shan't need it?
What of love Keshi?
Love is the ultimate suffering,
Whether it is the love of a woman, brother, sister, mother, father child etc etc.
What of spiritual love where the physical becomes important only as an after thought?
Are you there?
wonderful post n such a beautiful song for jeevan! :)
tcare yah?!
Lighthouse12Yes we people underestimate the value of things and take them for granted.
Its something wrong and if I personally am able to take hose things or control things which I think I have taken for granted then I will definetly have a brighter and a balanced outlook.
hey Ankur!
**NearlyIdiot.flushall( )
LOL I like that better :)
**Guess,if all of us, take some time out, out of our busy schedule, to teach in some school, not to eat at some tachy joint some day
that really made me think. THANKS Ankur!
hehe GC Im sure there r better ambassadors for that :)
thanks anyways!
Isnt he a true inspiration Amy, tnxx hun!
hey Mav :)
**why whine...face the situation..wht has happened has happened..u cant reverse that...so try to make the best out of it for urself"...
Thats so true!
hey Stevo :)
**Love is the ultimate suffering,
Whether it is the love of a woman, brother, sister, mother, father child etc etc
I agree :(
ty Anits! :)
Agreed Tarun :)
keshi....this post is exactly what i needed...thanks! I cry about things for too long....one should always be happy with what they have. In life one should always be happy with what they have!
on lighter note
If whinging_spree.days > 2
While (whinging_spree.days <> 2)
GetOutBeforeTurningIntoIdiot(N NearlyIdiot)
NearlyIdiot.Kill( )
Where is you Error Handling?
You should use TRY and Catch.....:)
bad techie kesh....lol....just kiddin
This is one of ur best post.
Hey keshi...Rgdg to this post..I agree but disagree..let me explain wat i mean...
1st , great pick as far as Jeevan goes..i agree with the respect due to Jeevan!people who meets life's challenges with a smile and "its really not the end of life" attitude are a treat!
nxt abt the getting over the whining in 2 days and getting on in life 'coz in reality "u are blessed" with so many things that others don't have...
2 days is ur timeframe.Someone else mite feel 2 hrs is good n yet another person cld feel 2 weeks, 2 mths, 2 yrs... its all realive..based on the reason for pain ,the person and what they have been exposed to in the past.
To say A-Z is the simplest task for me, but not for my sister's 2-yr old boy!He thinks its the hardest task he would ever have to face in life!
n yes MOST OF US are blessed and in reality should not be cribbing abt the li'l things that we sweat over for more than 2 days. But when one is facing the trouble, they forget to rationalize and start counting thier blessings.All that they can think of is thier trouble.
I honestly and genuinely try to think of reasons why i have to be thankful to God when i'm in trouble.Sometimes it helps me in coming out of the troubled state-of-mind soon and at other times it doesnt help!'
i have a post in my blog "I'm So loved", written yrs back that i read whenever i feel lonely. It really helps!
I recommend this post be read by people when they think its end of the world. It mite not completely lift them from the dumps, but it sure helps people look at things in a different perspective at a crucial time.
PS: The comment got too long.Sorry!
hey KP there's not TRY CATCH block cos it no error killing a whinger! hahaha!
hey Pavi tnxx hun!
**its all realive..based on the reason for pain ,the person and what they have been exposed to in the past.
I totally agree! It may take even 2years for some ppl, depending on teh weight of the issue. I said 2 days for minor whinging :) Not for something like a death of a loved one or even a terminal illness. ppl cant just get over them that easily...Im saying this with experience :)
**I'm So loved
aww I wanna read that. Give me the link plz.
yes I agree with every word u said Pavi. ty so much and hey dun be SORRY at all. U r more than WC to say how u feel and u dun hv to always agree with me. :)
Thanks :-)
Here u go : http://shortyspeaks.blogspot.com/2005/01/im-so-loved.html
and..Good Morning! Have a Beautiful day!
well, thinking is sometimes the first step... :D ;)
Very positive and encouraging!
It's too human to always fret about not having something, but never be gratified for having so many things in life.
hahaha.....I was just kiddin...u r good programer...:). we gotta do what we gotta do to get the paycheck rolling right?....njoi the life keshi...its too short....:). I still cry about some things that i dont like...but this post one thing is right....be happy with aht u have if u want something dont cry just have go getter attitude....:).
tnxx Pavi I'll check it out as soon as I get some time ok.
true Ankur :)
ty Shiva!
**but never be gratified for having so many things in life.
yes..most of the time we FAIL to see the things we should really see.
lol KP tnxx!
**I still cry about some things that i dont like...but this post one thing is right....be happy with aht u have if u want something dont cry just have go getter attitude
I agree with this for most troubles. The one place where I'd say it doesn't apply is certain losses, and you get these arseholes telling you to "just get over it." There are certain things you don't get over, never, ever, ever. Those who have been through such a loss say you get used to it but you never get over it.
I find that a horrible thing happens to me every spring. I become very depressed. It is a trick of my biochemically screwed up brain. And I hate it very much! I do try not to use it as an excuse to be a jagoff to others, though.
I am glad I read this post totally!
You know write Keshi, I will be late.... but I do cme n read you...coz u sound every bit sensible!
and u r soooooooo right abt the theorem u wrote! I guess... u made me feel hw blessed i m !
and Jeevan..wow! 3 cheers to him!
May God giv him the strength to deal with all his issues!
Count your Blessings!
I m sorry to hear abt yur cousin, he is so young!
pains me to see young people with such problems..I wish him well!
Let God show him the path!!
aww ty Judge and tnxx Veenz HUGGGGGGGZ!
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